REX cleaning wheels
REX cleaning grinders are the first choice for preparing and cleaning heavily soiled and hard-to-reach surfaces.
Possible processing tasks:
- Removal of scale, corrosion, paint, varnish and algae
- Eliminate tough layers, e.g. adhesives
- Spot repair
Common materials that can be processed:
- Steel
- Stainless steel
- Aluminium
Unsere Reinigungsschleifer sind für den Einsatz auf verschiedenen Werkzeugen, wie z.B. dem Geradschleifer, geeignet und am effektivsten bei niedrigeren Drehzahlen.

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REX cleaning discs
This product is especially suitable for the straight grinder and removes rust, scale or varnish in linear fashion.
REX FLEX cleaning discs
Cleaning material on glass fibre disc, for coarse cleaning on numerous materials.
Cleaning Roll
Excellent for machining steel, stainless steel (INOX) and aluminum.