Nonwoven Hand Pads

Nonwovens can be used in a broad range of applications including: surface cleaning and preparation, paint and oxidation removal, and finishing.  Hand pads conform to irregular surfaces and can be used both wet or dry.


WidthLengthColor / Abrasive TypeGradePart No.PKG
6″9″Green (Aluminum Oxide)GP-Scrub963 03020
6″9″Tan (Aluminum Oxide)A-Extra Cut963 03120
6″9″Maroon (Aluminum Oxide)A-Very Fine963 03220
6″9″Black (Silicon Carbide)S-Medium963 04020
6″9″Grey (Silicon Carbide)S-Ultra Fine963 04120
6″9″White (Non-abrasive)Non-abrasive963 04420
Bold part numbers denote stock items.  All other part numbers have a minimum order requirement.  Please call for details.